Deep drilling is one of the single-most important technologies of 21st century space exploration. From subsurface ocean exploration on Europa, to prospecting for water ice in the lunar permanently-shadowed regions, key secrets of the solar system are waiting for us to mature this crucial technology. This NIAC concept aims to drill deep into the South Polar Layered Deposits (SPLD) of Mars to search for life and liquid water beneath the polar ice. To do this, we’ve developed a novel approach to drilling which uses self-driving drilling robots called borebots. Each borebot drives up and down the borehole, performing drilling activities autonomously as part of a team.
2023 Mars Society Convention Slides:
Mars Society Convention video coming soon, stay tuned!
NIAC Phase I Final Report (Revised 12/8/23):
2021 Mars Society Convention Video Presentation (10/14/21):
2021 Mars Society Convention Slides:
Slides only (no notes): https://git.io/JP2Zw
Slides with notes: https://git.io/JP2Zj
Mars Society Convention Paper (11/10/21):
Borebots: Unlocking Subglacial Lake Access in the Mars South Polar Layered Deposits
Github repository (for release, license, and archival purposes): https://github.com/Shootquinn/ARD3
This project has been in the public domain since 2018. Derivatives are encouraged.
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